Monday, November 26, 2007

I'm a little behind with the holidays and all...

Here's what I ended up with on my last trip to the library:

The Parting by Beverly Lewis. She is my other favorite author. I can never wait to get her latest books! This one did not disappoint! :) Now I just have to wait for the next one...I hate that part!

Vogue knitting : the ultimate knitting book. This was old and disappointing. Nothing new here...I guess it's more of a reference book. I'm always looking for new patterns that are easy and this one didn't have it!

Lois Smith's Machine Quiltmaking by Lois Smith. Nothing exciting here. Again, it's old.

Where the Wild Rose Blooms by Lori Wick. I just haven't gotten to this one yet. I actually forgot I had it! :)

American Quilts and How to Make Them by Carter Houck. I just like looking at old quilts and getting ideas for future reference.


Amie said...

I'm reading "The Parting" right now. I just started and I love the name Nellie Mae!